Hatfield Media is a web design & development company based in Louisville, Kentucky. We provide website design and development for businesses across the United States.
Hatfield Media was contacted by United Way of Central Kentucky to produce the 2016 campaign video. We were tasked with helping them tell the story of impact of lives across our state through video production. Through filming various interviews and the acquisition of a wide variety of footage, we were able to put together a final video project which effectively tells their story. Unlike other previous videos, our goal is not to pander to the audience or demean those who are being helped by United Way. The goal is simply to share how United Way is impacting lives of people within Kentucky, and to substantiate some of the different ways people can get involved.
United Way is a wonderful organization with a nationwide footprint. For more information on the Kentucky brand please visit UnitedWayCK.org
Let's Chat
1-502-509-3349Hatfield Media
2351 Nelson Miller Parkway