Industry Video Production
Deliverables Promotional Video

RPRS Promotional Video 

SES-Technologies was founded in 2009 and is a pioneer in renewable energy systems. SES-Technologies has combined three renewable resources (solar, wind and hydro) into one safe, easy power station.

By using new and efficient technologies, SES-Technologies is able to harness available natural resources with minimal impact on the environment. The Renewable Power Resource Stations (RPRS) is a highly efficient, low-maintenance, non-intrusive, low-cost power generation unit. SES-Technologies’ mission is to provide the best solutions for energy innovation.

SES-Technologies is also apart of a charity called Edge Outreach. They have taken their Equipment and made it possible for third-world countries such as India, Hati, and Kenya so that they can have clean and healthy water.

We are proud to have been able to work with SES-Technologies. We applaud their work with Edge Outreach and everything they have done to help the environment!

SES Technologies website - click here 

Direct video link - click here